Tag Archives: SSMS

Multi-server scripts with SSMS using SQLCMD mode

SSMS is the most common tool used by SQL Developers or DBA’s but unfortunately there are some features that are barely known, SQLCMD mode is not the exception and that’s why I decided to follow up in this topic.

You may want to check one of this previous blog post, where you will find instructions how to enable SQLCMD mode and some examples that could help you to become familiar with it.

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Enable SQLCMD Mode on SSMS

I really like Microsoft philosophy nowadays, they are putting a lot of time developing good open source tools like SQLCLI, SQLOps and Visual Studio Code, those tools has something in common “a built-in terminal” a multi-platform and code geek like me really appreciate those details. It is pretty neat to use the built-int terminal to do stuff without leaving your development environment. This functionality is also available on SSMS (in some way), it is called SQLCMD mode. Continue reading

SQL Server Management Studio Reports

Today’s tip is a very basic functionality that comes with any SSMS (SQL Server Management studio), we are talking about SSMS Instance and Database level reports.

These SSMS reports does not require any additional plugin or either SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services), all these aware reports are part of any out of box SSMS instance you might have installed in your environment.

As mentioned above, there are two different levels of reports please keep in mind each set has unique reports that only applies to the specific level selected.

In order to explore the Instance level reports you just need to simply right click on your SQL Server instance, then select Reports, then Standard Reports:

In order to explore the Database level reports you just need to simply right click on any or your existing  SQL Server databases, then select Reports, then Standard Reports:

We are not going to dive deep on all these reports because as you may noticed there are too many and the report name does well job describing their purpose.

We will cover the Custom Reports option in the near future, stay tune for more DBA mastery tips.