Availability groups (AG’s) is one of my favorite features of SQL Server, despite some DBA’s catalogue them as “too complex” to implement, configure, manage and maintain … I just love AG’s. There is no question that AG’s are a very powerful high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) solution, but as any software product eventually will have some issues but nothing is impossible to solve with a little bit of research.
The error message 19405 is a very common “issue” when configuring AG’s for a Failover Cluster instance (FCI) .
Carlos Robles is a Solutions Architect at AWS, a former Microsoft Data Platform MVP, a Friend of Redgate, but more than anything a technology lover. He has worked in the database management field on multiple platforms for over ten years in various industries.
He has diverse experience as a Consultant, DBA and DBA Manager. He is currently working as a Solution Architect, helping customers to solve software/infrastructure problems in their on-premise or cloud environments.
Speaker, author, blogger, mentor, Guatemala SQL User group leader. If you don’t find him chatting with friends about geek stuff, he will be enjoying life with his family.