Author Archives: DBA Master

About DBA Master

Carlos Robles is a Solutions Architect at AWS, a former Microsoft Data Platform MVP, a Friend of Redgate, but more than anything a technology lover. He has worked in the database management field on multiple platforms for over ten years in various industries. He has diverse experience as a Consultant, DBA and DBA Manager. He is currently working as a Solution Architect, helping customers to solve software/infrastructure problems in their on-premise or cloud environments. Speaker, author, blogger, mentor, Guatemala SQL User group leader. If you don’t find him chatting with friends about geek stuff, he will be enjoying life with his family.

Creating Wait stats widget on Azure Data Studio for macOS

A couple of weeks ago, Microsoft released a new multi-platform tool called Azure Data Studio, this tool is the final version of SQL Operations Studio. If you are familiar to SQLOps, you probably recall that this tool 100% open source, and because of that you can customize the JSON code to do certain things the way it works best for you.

In my personal opinion, this is of the best features of Azure Data Studio are widgets. It gives the option to DBA’s or Database developers to create their own custom widgets to access SQL Server data using simple charts. The old out of the box SSMS Instance reports are good in some way, when you require to check something really quick but the lack of customization and the time they take to load doesn’t make them a really good troubleshooting tool … at least for me. I know how they work and even know how to build a custom report but I think the interface is not that responsive in my personal opinion, when dealing with an issue we need something really really fast.

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Starting SSMS with a specific connection and script file

Have you ever wanted SSMS to start and automatically and establish a connection to your DBA \ hub server and have your daily routine queries already open ready to run?

Good news, that is totally possible. SSMS actually uses the SSMS.exe in the background which has multiple options such as connecting to a specific SQL Server instance and opening a file. All these options are accessible through a few very simple command line parameters, if you are familiar with SQLCmd these parameters will like be really similar to you.

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I will be speaking at SQL Saturday # 788 – Denver

I’m very thrilled to announce that I will be participating as speaker in Denver’s SQL Saturday that will take place on September 15th. This is a huge step for me as technical speaker, because it was just June when I participated in Denver’s SQL Server User Group speaking about Query Store and now I had the chance to participate on Denver’s SQL Server annual great event.

And it is a big deal because there will be very recognized people around like Bob Ward who is the keynote speaker of this year, there will be participation from Glenn Berry, Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman, Tracy Boggiano, Jess Borland, Jason Brimhall and more! Continue reading